What is eco-design?
What is the relationship between design and the environment?

Design-related environmental impact

  • Up to 70% of the costs and 80% of the environmental and social impact of a product are determined during the design phase. To maximize results, the action must therefore target the product design and development process
  • 52% of household GHG emissions relate to product consumption (manufacturing, supply and end-of-life treatment of products and services):

More generally, any product design has an impact on the environment insofar as it requires, among other things:

  • the extraction of raw materials,
  • the use of energy: during the manufacturing process, during the use of the product if it requires power supply, and logistics (upstream/downstream transport from the manufacturing site, etc.),
  • the use of consumables for maintenance purposes,
  • adapted treatment at the end of life of the product.

Not to be confused with
Eco-design aims at reducing the environmental impact of the different product manufacturing stages but also of the upstream and downstream stages, outside the “company’s walls”.
This is how it differs from the “traditional” approach in terms of environmental protection, which consists of preventing or reducing the environmental impact or improving waste management on production or commercial sites.
Eco-design therefore focuses on product development and integrates the environmental performance of this product during the design process.