How to put in place an eco-design approach?
Understand by evaluating the environmental impact of the product

Understand by evaluating the environmental impact of the product
What is the environmental impact of my product ? How can I quantify and/or qualify it ? On what basis can I make my design/eco-design choices ?

The purpose of this section is to answer your questions on the environmental evaluation of products and related costs, starting with the obstacles and success factors of this stage:

  • Success factors

Good knowledge of the product, notably via the involvement of the different services and players of the product chain (supplier, subcontractors, distributors, etc.) to provide the necessary data, is a key success factor of the evaluation.
This is why it is essential to raise internal awareness of the importance of this approach in order to obtain the information required. The approach selected for the performance of the environmental evaluation depends notably on the expected use of the obtained results. This approach must therefore be integrated into a project as soon as possible (such as the external communication of the environmental performance of the eco-designed product or the assistance in the design of a more environmentally friendly product…) so as to define and specify its objectives and therefore its expected results.

  • Obstacles

Obstacles to environmental evaluation can be:
-    Insufficient knowledge of the product (undefined nomenclature, multiple usage scenarios, etc.),
-    Difficulty in selecting the relevant tool and indicators,
-    Lack of expertise.