How to put in place an eco-design approach?
Internal communication, training and support

Is communication sufficient to mobilize everybody around the same objective or are training and organization actions necessary? Must these actions be carried out throughout the development of the eco-design project or simply during the implementation stage?
The purpose of this section is to answer your questions on internal communication, training and support, starting with the obstacles and success factors of this stage:


  • Success factors

- involving people from an early stage and encouraging participation: so that stakeholders can understand and decide on modifications relating to the eco-design process before their implementation
- favoring group work: to facilitate change in all stakeholders by getting them to evolve in a “collective” form (integration into the group, reduced confrontations with the only trained individual, etc.)
- encouraging a “non directive” approach: involving people through participative training, research and application rather than transmission of theoretical information
- promoting exchanges: opting for bi-directional communication and an interactive approach which is not limited to top-down communication and training,
- instigating an environment of confidence: promoting the involvement and commitment of the Management by developing and conveying a specific vision, which also helps being firm about the objective determined but flexible about the actions required to achieve this objective.
The deployment of an internal communication approach, adapted to the company’s requirements (previously identified), involves the following 3 aspects:
- Communication so that all employees can understand the eco-design approach
- Training to pass on theoretical and practical knowledge
- Uniting and supporting employees as they adapt to this approach

  • Obstacles

The realization of an eco-design project results in modifications in the practices of those concerned, notably due to:
- the consideration of new parameters,
- the use of new tools and/or methods,
- the potential implementation of a new organization…
The human factor plays a prominent role in these modifications, as the project can generate fear and difficulties for the employees (skills to be acquired, loss of existing skills, difficulties in reviewing themselves or looking forward, etc.)
According to Ecofaire, a program designed to train companies in eco-design in the Pays de la Loire region, one of the major obstacles to the launch of an eco-design project is the mobilization of new competences.