What does internal support consist of ?
- facilitate the acceptance of the evolution associated with the eco-design approach and overcome any resistance,
- deploy the appropriate organization and success factors as the approach requires a cross-sectional “project” team (marketing, engineering, design, purchasing, etc.).
Determine those concerned by the eco-design approach and analyze the product design processes in order to specify:
- roles: major and secondary players, decision-makers/operating personnel, professionally recognized players within the company, etc.,
- responsibilities: shared or specific responsibilities clearly defined or more vague (example of the determination of detailed packaging specifications – marketing, design functions, etc.),
- the organization relating to product development
Qualify the differences between the current situation and the target situation
Identify potential resistance to change by stakeholder category (role, level of importance, interest, risk level – acceptance, modification, refusal, etc.), without omitting any individual.
Convince and unite employees (notably those with a neutral and reticent attitude).
All employees including those specifically concerned.
Any change affects all employees, regardless of their level of involvement.
-Manage change by combining communication and training actions with additional participatory actions (working group, propose and generate ideas, etc.) which will integrate change into practices,
- Position the approach as priority and cross-sectional:
- the approach must be supported by a willingness established at top company level,
- If there is middle management, it must act as a role model. Its support is crucial and its role consists of helping instill a sense of responsibility and commitment in its team,
- Follow up the actions undertaken and their efficiency.
As soon as possible and throughout the project.