How to put in place an eco-design approach?
External communication

For the companies committed to an eco-design approach, external communication plays a predominant role, as it allows the company to win over public opinion and enhance its image.
There are different environmental labels which allow the consumer to identify environmentally friendly products.

A distinction has been established by standardization authorities:

  • Ecolabel
  • Self-declaration
  • Eco-profile

Type I label (ISO 14024) or eco-label:
Official recognition of the products’ environmental benefits; there are national labels (in France, NF-Environment), as well as European eco-labels; an eco-labeled product has been controlled by a third party and complies with pre-established specifications.
There is little known about eco-labels, even though they were implemented more than 10 years ago on certain products. They are however developing rapidly and act as a genuine benchmark: these are the only labels which guarantee the global consideration of environmental impact.

Type II label (ISO 14021) or self-declaration:
The self-declaration is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer or distributor;

Type III label (ISO 14025) or eco-profile:
The purpose of this label is to provide consumers with standardized information on a product; eco-profiles often feature diagrams listing key environmental impact indicators (greenhouse effect, resource consumption, CO2, waste, etc.).